Battle of Dhi Qar

Battle of Dhi Qar
معركة ذي قار
Date 609
Location Dhi Qar

The Battle of Dhi Qar (Arabic,يوم ذي قار) was a pre-Islamic battle fought between Arabs in southern Iraq and a Sassanid Persian army, circa 609.

According to the Arab historian Abu Obayda (d. 824), the Persian shah Khosrau II was angry with the Lakhmid king Numan III for refusing to give him his daughter in marriage, and therefore imprisoned him. Subsequently, Khosrau sent troops to recover Nu'man's family armor, but Hany bin Masud (Nu'man's friend) refused, and the Persian forces were defeated at the battle of Dhi Qar, near Al-Hirah, the Lakhmid dynasty's capital.